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Submit sequences

You can only upload sequences if you already have an account and are part of a submitting group.

Before you begin this process, you should ensure your data is in the correct format. Each sequence should have a unique submissionID that can be used to associate it with its corresponding metadata entry.

Loculus expects:

  • Sequence data in fasta format with a unique submissionID per sequence.
  • Metadata in tsv format for each sequence. If you upload through the Website, you can also use Excel files (xls or xlsx format). If you need help formatting metadata, there is a metadata template for each organism on the submission page.

Metadata template.

Multi-segmented Pathogens

Loculus expects multi-segmented pathogens to have one unique submissionID per isolate (pathogen sample containing all segments). However, fasta files should still have a separate entry/record per segment. Therefore, each record id should include the unique submissionID of the isolate and the segment name, for example: submissionID + '_' + segmentName. The metadata is uploaded per isolate, i.e. there will be only one row for each submissionID and segmented metadata parameters need to be uploaded individually, i.e. under length_{segmentName} etc.


Uploading sequences via the website is a easy way to submit sequences without having to worry about any code.

  1. Log into your account, and then click ‘Submit’ in the top-right corner of the website
  2. Select the organism that you’d like to submit sequences for
  3. Drag-and-drop a fasta file with the sequences and a metadata file with the associated metadata into the box on the website, or click the ‘Upload a file’ link within the boxes to open a file-selection box
  4. Select the Terms of Use that you would like for your data
  5. Select ‘Submit sequences’ at the bottom of the page

The data will now be processed, and you will have to approve your submission before it is finalized. You can see how to do this here.


It is possible to upload sequences through an HTTP API. We also plan to release a command-line interface soon.

To upload sequences through the HTTP API you will need to:

  1. To identify the URL to the backend of the Loculus instance, see Where are the APIs?.
  2. Retrieve an authentication JSON web token: see the Authenticating via API guide.
  3. Identify the Group ID of your group: you can find it on the page of your group.
  4. Send a POST request:
    • To upload sequences with the open use terms: <Backend URL>/<organism>/submit?groupId=<group id>&dataUseTermsType=OPEN
    • The header should contain
      • Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>
      • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
    • The request body should contain the FASTA and metadata TSV files with the keys sequenceFile and metadataFile

With cURL, the corresponding command for sending the POST request can be:

curl -X 'POST' \
'<Backend URL>/<organism>/submit?groupId=<group id>&dataUseTermsType=OPEN' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'metadataFile=@<metadata file name>' \
-F 'sequenceFile=@<fasta file name>'

Further information can be found in the API documentation of the instance.

As with the website, data will now be processed, and you will have to approve your submission before it is finalized. You can see how to do this here.

Compressing files

For both sequence and metadata files, compression is supported. The supported formats are: zip, gz (gzip), zst (ZStandard) and xz (LZMA). (Note that Excel file uploads with xz compression are currently not supported.)