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Creating and managing groups

If your organization does not yet have a submitting group, you can create one. If they already have a group, you can contact someone within that group, and ask them to add you using your username. Everyone within a group is able to submit, edit, and revoke sequences uploaded by anyone else in that group.

Create a new group

  1. Log into your account and enter your account page by clicking ‘My account’ in the top-right corner of the webpage
  2. Click ‘Create Group’
  3. Fill in the required information about your group
  4. Click ‘Submit’ to create your group

Add or remove a user

Users cannot add themselves to groups; they must ask someone within a group to add them.

To add a user to your group:

  1. Log into your account and navigate to your account page (‘My account’ in the top-right of the website)
  2. Within your groups, select the name of the group that you’d like to add a user to
  3. Using the ‘user’ interface at the bottom of the page, type in the username of the person you want to add
  4. The user is now part of your group

To remove a user:

  1. Log into your account and navigate to your account page (‘My account’ in the top-right of the website)
  2. Within your groups, select the name of the group that you’d like to remove a user from
  3. Using the ‘user’ interface at the bottom of the page, click the red button next to the user you wish to remove
  4. The user is now removed

Edit group information

Any group member can edit all group information such as the group name, contact email and address, except for group id which is unchangeable.

  1. Log into your account and navigate to your account page (‘My account’ in the top-right of the website)
  2. Within your groups, select the name of the group that you would like to edit
  3. In the group detail view, click the ‘Edit group’ button at the top
  4. Update any information in the edit group form that you would like to change and then click the ‘Update group’ button